
North Strand American Legion Post 186



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Date: 10/3/2020

Time: 1000

Roll Call - Members in attendance

Commander Bob Culp, 2nd Vice Melvin Baker, Adjutant Dan Hipp, Finance Officer Denny Haight, Historian Bill Toner, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Chaplain Mark Cannitto, Sgt@Arms Fred Hall, Internal Events Bob McGraw, Trustee Kraig Dickes

Absent – 1st Vice Wayne Southworth, External Events John Lawrence, Volunteers Jim Donatone, Maintenance Bill Finch, Trustees, John Pazoga and Norm Valentine

There is a quorum.

Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.

Minutes of 9/5/2020 were read and approved.

New members Richard Miller and Patrick Czwartacki were recognized and introduced.

Commander as well introduced our new Chaplain Mark Canitto.

Finance Officer - Reported that the canteen account is doing good. Things are better then last year. We not in that position of waiting for deposits to come in to see what we can pay. We are also doing this without bingo. Concerning the mortgage there will not be any more reduction and we do have a mortgage refinance coming up next year.

1st Vice – Was not present but did offer his report to the commander and me. Presently we are @ 58% membership overall. We have 15 new members and 25 transfers. We need to keep up the great work, get all members to pay their dues before the end of the year.

2nd Vice – We did very well from the yard sale and the cruise in. We had 57 cars, with that we did well for the canteen. I created flyers to post on Facebook for our next event and reduced them down to business size cards so everyone can pick up and pass them out.

Chaplain – Mark introduced himself to members as being a member for 12 years. Served in the Army. Member of the Legion and the Sons.

Service Officer – Nothing new to report

Historian – Nothing to report

Internal Events – Wanted to thank everyone on helping with the yard sale. We made a total of $1172.00.

Commander – Thanks to Deb Browning for donating her time. She sold masks and donated all the proceeds to the Post. Bingo has restarted. With the Governor lifting the restrictions to full capacity we still must find out of the limitations on bingo. Veterans Day we are looking for help. Tom Rice will be there also. We will be coming back to the Post and be serving pulled pork. All precautions will be in effect for covid. Saturday Nov. 7th  the Aux. will be having a lasagna dinner for takeout. All profits will be made to the Post. Thanksgiving dinner we will also need help. All Officers are needed to donate turkeys under 13lbs.

Also, a motion was made on the floor for the Auxiliary and the Sons to help cover expenses by giving a fixed amount monthly to the Post. This was second but unanimously voted against.

For God and Country,

Daniel Hipp, Adjutant




Date: 06/6/2020   Time: 1000
Roll Call - Members in attendance
Commander Bob Culp, 1st Vice Wayne Southworth, Adjutant Dan Hipp, Finance Officer Denny Haight, Chaplain Bill Stewart, Sgt@Arms Fred Hall, Maintenance Bill Finch, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Internal Events Bob Mcgraw
Absent – 2nd Vice Melvin Baker, Volunteers Jim Donatone, Ext. Events, John Lawerence
There is a quorum.
Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.
Minutes of 5/16/2020 were read and approved.
New transfer From Virginia Beach Greg Huber was recognized
Commander Culp introduced the three new executive board members. John Pazoga, Kraig Dickies and Norm Valentine.
OLD Business

Jerry Gronke held the nomination and election process of the swearing in of the new slate of Officers with Help from John Pazoga. A vote by acclimation was made. These are the Officers for 2020-2021.

Commander – Robert Culp
1st Vice – Wayne Southworth
2nd Vice – Melvin Baker
Adjutant – Daniel Hipp
Finance – Denny Haight
Chaplain – William Stewart
Sgt@arms – Fred Hall
Historian – Bill Toner
Maintenance – Bill Finch
Volunteers – Jim Donatone
Internal events – Bob McGraw
External events – John Lawrence
Voted in as trustees
            Kraig Dicks
            John Pazoga
            Norm Valentine


NEW Business
1.  Having a Yard Sale in parking lot as fund raiser June 20th  8-1pm.  Bring in and donate your unwanted stuff. Will need help selling and pricing donations.
2.  John Lawrence to get plaque for Home Depot
                          AMERICAN LEGION POST 186 THANKS HOME DEPOT
3.  Bingo:  not yet
               a. Rules and enforcement
               b. we will lose money after setting up tables we would be limited to 22 players (lose money)
          setup tables 6 feet apart 2 chairs between each player
4. Flag Day June 14th ceremony at post. 11am
Finance Officer – The PPP loan has been extended from 8 weeks to 24 weeks.  We can use this for payroll and utilities. Our relief of the mortgage interest will expire in July.  Our canteen account has been going up a bit , One reason is because of the PPP loan is giving us relief on payroll. As of now the canteen account is just shy of $10,000. Melvin Baker came up with some Mugs for the post that are for sale 15.00 for the beer steins, 10.00 for the cup and 5.00 for the koozie. If someone buys a Mug you will get .25 cents off a beer if you bring the mug. Motion was made and second.
Chaplain – Reported on sick call, Diane Blaney and Taps Robert Dagle, Russ Chick, and Ralph Philips. What the chaplain also reported is when we get the all clear he would like to have a concert to raise funds for the sunshine fund.
1St Vice -  Reported he would like to bring some new things to the table of course with the help of other members. Current membership at the state level for Little River post is 3 or 4 members shy of 100%. Also he would like to establish a membership committee. John Pazoga and George Clark will be helping start up.
Service Officer – Had received a phone call from a veteran needing help and referred him to welcome home center.
Historian – Nothing to report
Maintenance – Installed new door sweep on the back door. In the process of repairing leak on one of the sheds in the back.
Trustee John Pazoga – Looking for few good men for the Honor Guard. Ralph Philips family donated 100.00 to the Post.
Internal events – Yard sale will be on the 21st of June. From 8-1 pm
For God and Country,
Daniel Hipp, Adjutant

Date: 12/7/2019
Time: 1000
Roll Call - Members in attendance
Commander Bob Culp, 1st .  2nd Vice Bob McGraw,  Adjutant Dan Hipp, , Finance Denny Haight, Sgt@Arms Fred Hall, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Volunteers Jim Donatone
Absent – Chaplain Bill Finch, Historian Jim Cirulli, Ext. Events John Lawerence. 1st vice Frank Shields.
There is a quorum.
Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.
Minutes of 2 Nov. 2019 meeting were read and approved.
  New members – Dave Owens-  branch of service – Army.
 Finance Officer – Reported that between the bar and canteen made a profit of $1200.00. Things are picking up slightly. All bills are paid.
1st Vice – Was absent but relayed the membership update. We are at 86% also picked up 22 new members.
2nd Vice – Bingo participation is way up. Also working on St. Patricks day parade.
Sevice Officer – Introduce Govt. web site www.va.gov\resources. A lot of good info. To help Vets navigate thru different articles of useful information
Acting Chaplain Doug Blaney – Tom Tessier who was a past Commander is in Hospital.
Sgt @ Arms – Nothing to report.
Volunteers – We are always needing volunteers for various functions. If you or anyone you might know would like to help out your post please see me. I will also be out of town from 18th – 27th of Dec.
Commander – Auxiliary and Sons would like to start a maintenance/ building fund. All breakfast proceeds and special functions hosted will go into this account, This account will be under the Legion account listed as maintenance fund. In the event of accessing the account will require two signatures, Legion Officer and an Auxiliary Officer. Any cost that exceeds the balance of account will be split three ways. We voted on this at our E Board meeting . General meeting, Motion was made  and second  for a maintenance fund.  New cook was hired. He has the certifications required by DEHEC. Things have been running a lot smoother. Bingo is  doing well , we have been getting around $2,000 a month to cover Bills. New Years eve party will be held from 7-10, Music is by Deb Browning. Prices are $25.00 or $45.00 per couple.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned as official protocol
For God and Country,
Daniel Hipp, Adjutant



Date: 11/2/2019

Time: 1000

Roll Call - Members in attendance

Commander Bob Culp, 1st Vice Frank Shields, 2nd Vice Bob McGraw,  Adjutant Dan Hipp, , Finance Denny Haight, Sgt@Arms Fred Hall, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Volunteers Jim Donatone

Absent – Chaplain Bill Finch, Historian Jim Cirulli, Ext. Events John Lawerence.

There is a quorum.

Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.

Minutes of 12 Oct.2019 meeting were read and approved.

 Finance Officer – Reported that the Post has made a slight profit past month. Trying to get quick books up to date. Once the snow birds come down things will pick up. Commander has the financial report with the breakdown that was completed on Excel if anyone wants to see it.

1st Vice – Needing Boys State volunteers for the interview committee. We need to support them. November 11 Is Veterans Day ceremony at NMB sports complex. Please show up to support our Post. Post Everlasting will follow ceremony at 7:00 pm. Come show your respect to honor our fallen Comrades. As of Nov. 1st we are at 532 renewals, which is 70.5%, we need 222 More to reach 100%.

2nd Vice – Shrimp fest went well. We made $300.00 in donations and sales.

Sevice Officer – Nothing to report

Sgt @ Arms – Nothing to report.

Volunteers – We are always needing volunteers for various functions. If you or anyone you might know would like to help out your Post please see me.

Commander – We did send the $300.00 donation to the Boys Scout Troop that was approved at last meeting. Still looking for volunteers for Boys State and police cadet academy. We still have not had any nominees for police, firefighters or service officer of the year award yet. I have the forms for this award if anyone needs one. New Years eve party will be held from 7-10, Music is by Deb Browning. Prices are $25.00 or $45.00 per couple. I would also like to inform everyone that the canteen prices have been raised to compensate for increase in food prices from vendors. There has been problems in the kitchen Lately so we are looking for a qualified individual with the certifications needed by DEHEC and board of health. We are needing fundraising ideas to replace the partition curtain that separates the rental hall from the canteen.

Jerry Gruncke explained what boys state is all about to fellow members.

District Commander -  Reported on state level it has been very quiet.. Membership is doing very well. I received a call from State Commander he complimented district 4 on being 91 members ahead of last year of our membership goals. Everyone is welcome to attend our district meeting after this meeting.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned as official protocol

For God and Country,

Daniel Hipp, Adjutant



Date: 9/7/2019

Time: 1000

Roll Call - Members in attendance

Commander Bob Culp, 1st Vice Frank Shields,  Adjutant Dan Hipp, Chaplain Bill Finch, Finance Denny Haight, Historian Jim Cirulli,

Absent – 2nd Vice Bob Mcgraw, Sgt @ Arms Fred Hall, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Ext. Events John Lawerence.

There is a quorum.

Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.

Minutes of 8 Aug 2019 meeting were read and approved.

Ray Pollock, Leader of Boy Scouts introduced the new troop 877 at the meeting. Needing donations and support on their adventure

   Finance Officer – Reported that the post made a profit of $3000.00. All Bills are paid to date

1st Vice – The post has picked up a lot of new members this year. Our renewal rate is coming in early and strong. Frank also introduced and read the Blue Water Resolution act 

2nd Vice – Absent

Service Officer – Absent

Chaplain – 2 members were sent to Post Everlasting

Historian – Stand Down is offering free medical and dental on Sept.27th from 8:00 am – 2:00pm. Thank you to all who are continuing to send in pictures.

Maintenance – Currently open position. Our Commander has been working hard on keeping up with general maintenance with help from other post members.

Volunteers – If anyone can donate their time for a couple of hours during special events it would help out the Post tremendously. Dart league starts up Sept. 18th

Ext. Events - Absent

Sgt-At-Arms – Absent

Commander – Reported that we need to create a maintenance committee. Anyone interested please contact an Officer. We replaced all air filters, cleaned out grease trap, had our kitchen steam cleaned and pressure washed. In doing this it helped us to reach a grade of 99 with DEHEC. Clam Bake will be on the 28th of Sept. provided by the Sons. Also Early bird special will be on Sept 26th

Wayne Southworth our district Commander reported that out of 7 posts in his district 6 of these posts reported 100% membership. South Carolina as a whole reported a 98.9% membership. With the American Legion Act we should be able to reach that 100% goal. October 19th  at 10 am  there will be a membership workshop located at the Conway Post 111. Materials will be provided by Headquarters. Refreshments will be served as well.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned as official protocol

For God and Country,

Daniel Hipp, Adjutant



Date: 8/3/2019

Time: 1000

Roll Call - Members in attendance

Commander Bob Culp, 1st Vice Frank Shields, 2nd Vice Bob McGraw, Adjutant Dan Hipp, Chaplain Bill Finch, Finance Denny Haight, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Historian Jim Cirulli, Sgt-@-Arms Fred Hall, Ext. Events John Lawrence,

Absent – Volunteers Jim Donatone

There is a quorum.

Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.

Minutes of 7 July 2019 meeting were read and approved.

   Finance Officer – Everything has been updated with Quickbooks. The canteen has made a profit of $4545.00. All bills are current.

1st Vice – The post has picked up a lot of new members. Total members stands at 800. With President Trump signing the American legion act this will give us the opportunity to even pick up a whole lot more. 

2nd Vice – Nothing to report.

Service Officer – Reported that if anyone knows of someone that is in need of veteran affairs help to please contact him.

Chaplain -  No reports of anyone being sick at this time

Historian –  Please send any photos you may have of our past couple events,  

Maintenance – Currently open position. Our Commander has been working hard on keeping up with general maintenance with help from other post members.

Volunteers – If anyone can donate their time for a couple of hours during special events it would help out the Post tremendously.

Ext. Events – Nothing to report.

Sgt-At-Arms – Nothing to report.

Commander – Dan Hipp is our new Adjutant and Bob Mcgraw is now our 2nd Vice. John Pazoga has stepped down from maintenance due to personal reasons. If anyone can help out with the position please let me know. We had to purchase a new convection oven. The old one was obsolete, so trying to get parts for it was impossible. Bingo was fined again for filing late again. The fine was $5000.00 and we were able to get that reduced to $3700.00. Freddie Melton has assumed the duties to file proper paperwork and ensuring it gets turned in before deadline.

Wayne Southworth our district Commander reported that out of 7 posts in his district 6 of these posts reported 100% membership. South Carolina as a whole reported a 98.9% membership. With the American Legion Act we should be able to reach that 100% goal. October 19th  at 10 am  there will be a membership workshop located at the Conway Post 111. Materials will be provided by Headquarters. Refreshments will be served as well.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned as official protocol

For God and Country,

Daniel Hipp, Adjutant




Date: 7/6/2019

Time: 1000

Thanks to George Law and the young men of Boys State.

There reports were very impressive.

Roll Call - Members in attendance

Commander Bob Culp, 1st Vice Frank Shields, 2nd Vice Bob McGraw, Adjutant Dan Hipp, Chaplain Bill Finch, Finance Denny Haight, Service Officer Doug Blaney, Historian Jim Cirulli, Sgt-@-Arms Fred Hall, Volunteers  Jim Donatone, Maintenance John Pazoga.

Absent – Ext. Events John Lawrence. 

Commander Robert Culp opened meeting as per official protocol.

Due to the resignation of our former Adjutant. Daniel Hipp stepped up to assume the position. Bob McGraw stepped into the 2nd Vice position.  A vote by acclamation was made, Daniel Hipp is our new adjutant. Bob McGraw will be the Posts 2nd Vice. 

Finance Officer. Cintas, We have received up to a 55%  discount  Going thru a national contract. We are working with other vendors to see if they offer a national contract discount as well to resolve issues of our tax exempt status.

1st Vice – We have reached our 100% membership goal. Reminder it is time for renewals. 

2nd Vice – Nothing to report.

Service Officer - - Nothing to report

Chaplain -  No reports of anyone being sick at this time

Historian –  Please send any photos you may have of our past couple events, Memorial day and July 4th American Pride March.

Maintenance – John Pazoga has been on vacation for two weeks. He is going to continue working on a grant with Lowes Home improvement for our ceiling tile replacement.

Volunteers – If anyone can donate their time for a couple of hours during special events it would help out the Post tremendously.

Commander -  Our cook Steve had quit. We hired another cook Walt Ethridge. As of now he is doing well.

Thank you to Freddie and others  in volunteering their time and labor for stripping and waxing the floors.             

Novation Networks has come in and installed a 5g antenna on our roof for a lease fee of $1000.00 a year.               

Thanks to all who attended and helped out at the 4th of July American Pride March.                                             

District 4 Commander and Member Wayne Southworth, Department level did not make 100% had a 98%. Trying various ways to get younger Vets to join the American Legion with social media.         

George O’Neil – Thank you Post 186 for sponsoring the American Pride March. Will forward all pics to the Historian.   

 There being no further business, meeting adjourned as per official protocol.


For God and Country,

Daniel Hipp, Adjutant.